Real Intent Outreach

Dear Tech Buzz Reader,

We are thrilled to bring you to an innovative service by Real Intent that is leveraging AI and consumer intent data to change the game on how real estate agents, moving companies, home service providers, RIAs and businesses in general acquire new clients. 

Real Intent offers a unique “Costco like” membership to what are known as Intent Leads.

Intent leads are high-quality prospects actively searching for your services right now. (E.g., Imagine you are a real estate agent and you knew exactly who were searching for homes in the region you cover. That is what real intent data can deliver.)

For being a Tech Buzz reader, you receive a 40% discount off their membership (for those who sign up by tomorrow). Apply on their website, answer the poll below, or reply “YES” to this email.

Interested in a membership to Real Intent to upgrade your customer acquisition?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Spots are limited to just 1-5 businesses per service area, depending on the size.

About Real Intent

Real Intent employs a comprehensive consumer database encompassing information on over 280 million U.S. residents and enriches it with access to 75M business records. This database enables the intelligent analysis of online consumer behaviors.

Their technology identifies potential clients when they are ready to buy, analyzing billions of searches on the open web. Buying intent let’s you know who is in-market with 400 different signals:

  • active home sellers

  • first time home buyers

  • home refinancers

  • looking for HVAC services

  • looking to hire movers

  • looking for legal services

  • looking for health and wellness services

  • and more

Their clients are using these leads as their primary source of customer acquisition and to scale their bdr teams.

"Within months, their [Real Intent] team became my entire back office support for acquiring customers"

Real Estate Agent, Seattle

You can additionally visit their website and sign up to secure your service area -

Note: In some service areas, Real Intent will work exclusively with only one business per industry, giving that business access to all the top leads in the area.

Why Real Intent

Exclusive and Cost-Effective: Real Intent services are designed to reduce costs by up to 70% compared to hiring a full-time marketing manager and/or AI developer. They work exclusively with a select number of businesses per service area to ensure that each partner receives high-quality leads without competition over the same prospects.

Nationwide Reach with Local Focus: While currently focused on aiding real estate agents, moving companies, and HVAC providers, their methods hold potential for various home service specialties. Their nationwide coverage ensures that no matter where you operate, you can benefit from their cutting-edge approach. By working with only 1-5 businesses per service area, Real Intent ensures that their partners receive the best leads in their area.

Take the Next Step

Are you ready to leverage technology in a whole new way?

Reply "YES" to this email if you would like to ensure you get on the list to receive 40% off your membership.

Alternatively, you can visit to learn more about their services and secure a spot in your service area.

If you are unsure if your business qualifies but are looking for more leads, the best approach is to apply and their team will review to see if there is a fit.

P.S. The 40% discount is valid to anyone who signs up by tomorrow.